Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How Long Does it Take to Land a Federal Job?

The length of time it takes to get a federal job varies.  It depends on the types of jobs you are applying to, the budget situation of the agencies to which you are submitting applications and a host of other variables.  However, the more applications you submit, the more you increase your odds of getting referred.  The usual job seeker will need to submit a few dozen applications to glean one interview.  The good news is that by that time, you are a pro in applying for jobs and you know your resume inside out and backwards.  So you are likely to have a very satisfactory and satisfying interview.  After your interview, once you receive an offer of employment, it can take anywhere from a month to several months to actually start work at your new Federal job.  Often there is a background security check that needs to be completed prior to your actual starting date. 

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